Application Experiments
Application Experiments are a fast and easy way to test advanced technologies and one of the key services that the I4MS initiative offers to SMEs is the possibility of testing with one of the four technologies supported by I4MS.
Such tests, known as Application Experiments, offer SMEs and mid-caps funding, training, mentorships and access to physical and virtual technology platforms. These activities enable the deployment of a pilot project to test its implications in a particular business process.
Application Experiments have a short duration, and are performed by cross-border consortia formed by combinations of manufacturing end users, tech providers and DIHs.
Selected via Open Calls, 327 AEs have already been launched by September 2019, and, when Phase 4 finalises, the number of experiments will be near 550. These experiments constitute an invaluable pool of Best Practices on how manufacturing companies can approach digital transformation of their processes.
Best Practices
I4MS best practices are Application Experiments that did produce results that serve as inspiration on the use of I4MS technologies and their benefits in the process of manufacturing digital transformation.
Discover and share SMEs experiences related to the use of HPC simulation, additive manufacturing, IoT and CPS in their business process, products and services.
They are key in two senses: In aggregated terms, producing the evidence-based demonstration of positive impacts generated by I4MS initiative required to attract the interest of funding agencies and financing institutions in contributing by filling the investment gaps identified (for example, supporting innovation cycle in higher TRLs or offering upskilling support for the workforce involved in operations). In individual terms, using Flagship Experiments as a testing example on how to improve sustainability (i.e. access to additional public funding and preferential loans) of outcomes of I4MS IAs.
Learning from portfolio management of these experiments will be shared with I4MS-related network of DIHs for them to be able to build improved exploitation strategies able to facilitate continuation of successful AEs after the project support finished.

Disruptors awards:
The I4MS Disruptors Awards honour the most innovative Application Experiments in I4MS Technologies, recognising excellence in supporting SMEs and mid-caps in the uptake of key enabling technologies. This prize allows an opportunity for public recognition around the achievements of SMEs, DIHs, Competence centres and more. The awarded initiatives will be granted with the widest visibility on the I4MS website and community as well as off-line visibility, namely through the participation in World Class Events where they will be put in contact with other partners, stakeholders, founders and investors. The winners will exemplify the effort and focus it takes to conquer digital transformation as a way to grow business opportunities and make SMEs and midcaps more competitive in the globalised world.
In I4MS Phase 4, The I4MS project will launch two Disruptors Awards Calls to select a total of 6 I4MS Flagship Experiments illustrating a company’s ability to innovate and implement ICT technologies. Late Phase 3 Experiments and Phase 4 Experiments will be eligible; IAs will be encouraged in disseminating the award amongst their beneficiaries. Two Disruptors Awards calls have been launched to date (2018 and 2019). The awarded initiatives have been granted with the widest visibility on the I4MS website and community as well as offline visibility, namely through the participation in world-class Events where they are put in contact with other partners, stakeholders, founders and investors. Dates to be announced