I4MS Working Group reports
Working Groups (WGs) have been organised to share and build I4MS value proposition with relevant stakeholders, discuss on common challenges and set up joint strategies to leverage investments for the benefit of European manufacturing industry. These WGs have been the main mechanisms to ensure active cooperation and engagement among I4MS community. They have been acting as ‘advisory bodies’/think tanks helping to validate I4MS aggregated value proposition and plan specific actions that can complement I4MS support.
The main objectives of the WGs have been:
- To connect with stakeholders & community as well as other relevant and interested actors and initiatives
- To discuss on common challenges as well as on how to overcome the identified gaps
- To identify and support Best Practices
- To look for synergies for the benefit of European manufacturing industry.
- To draw policy recommendations that could serve the European Commission of inspiration on potential launch of new programmes.

Some results: