VOJEXT: Value Of Joint EXperimentation in digital Technologies for manufacturing and construction
VOJEXT is a 42-months project, started in July 1st 2020, providing a business and technological framework that will match and encourage producers and SMEs to adopt cognitive autonomous systems for human-robot interaction, and cobots in particular.
Under the vision of Value Of Joint EXperimentation (VOJEXT) in digital technologies, the project dynamizesscience-driven industry approaches engaging human and Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) in the same loop; thus amplifying the cognitive capabilities needed to achieve more effective sociotechnical and business ecosystems. To this end, VOJEXT designs, develops, and demonstrates a cost-effective, market-oriented, agile,multipurpose and easy-to-repurpose autonomous, mobile and dexterous robotic systems as the main component of a smart, agile and scalable cognitive cyber-physical system for industry.
VOJEXT demonstrates its value through five (5) different experimental pilots, in four (4) EU countries (Spain, Hungary, Italy and Turkey) and five (5) different sectors (plastic textile, electronics, automotive, construction and creative architecture for urban regeneration); integrating traditional and non-traditional areas for AI-robotics and cognitive ICT developments. VOJEXT will integrate new fifteen (15) demonstrators during the project, to be selected through open calls.
VOJEXT brings new scenarios to the Project, fostering scientific and business driven innovation under the umbrella of Digital Innovation Hubs located in Spain, Germany, Poland and France; which specialised in robotics, artificial intelligence, automation and manufacturing. Additionally, VOJEXT interacts with seven other DIHs located in Hungary, Romania, Lithuania, Italy and United Kingdom. The opportunities to SMEs and organisations from the crafting sector.
The VOJEXT project`s experimental path and effective implementation engages with artistic research and useS+T+ARTS art-driven innovation approach. Two S+T+ARTS residencies will be selected through open calls using the S+T+ARTS format; inviting art-science partners to collaborate with VOJEXT`s partners.
VOJEXT is coordinated by the brings together a multidisciplinary and complementary consortium consisting of twenty (20) partners from fourteen (14) EU and associated countries. VOJEXT partners comprise eight (8) SMEs (Shadow, Robotnik, Tree Technologies, TechnovationSolutions, Kontor 46, F6S Network Limited, Oficina Keller Napoles, OSAI Automation Systems), a mid-cap (PEMU) and two (2) large companies (Acciona, Mercedes Benz), two (2) universities (UPM, NEBRIJA), four (4) research centres (Fortiss GmbH, Przemysłowy Instytut Automatyki i Pomiarów -PIAP-, Istituto Italiano diTecnologia, Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt-DLR-) and three (3) non-profit organisations (Pôle EMC2, Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce, Stichting Waag Society).
VOJEXT Project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020research; under grant agreement No 952197.