Training Objectives
The main objectives of these trainings are, on one hand, present the benefits for the industry of the technologies developed within project and, on the other hand, to boost the acceptance and integration of the project results in the Advanced Manufacturing value chain.Training Contents
Introduction to Additive Manufacturing and the Integradde Project. Design rules for Additive Manufacturing General principles for design in Additive Manufacturing Material procurement: Materials and defects Large scale WAAM for infrastructures Pilot lines for Additive Manufacturing of metal components Post processing needs and methods for Additive ManufacturingDigital Innovation Hubs
- Others
- Webinar
- Online
Technology Absortion Cycle
- Awareness of technology
Target Group
- Other
Instruction Level
- Advanced
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Construction
- Others:
Education Level
- Bachelor
- Master
- PhD
- More than 20
INTEGRADDECountries where training is provided
EUCities where training is provided
Languages this training can be provided
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