Training Objectives
Train and provide novel skills to workers from manufacturing companies or unemployed people in cyber-physical systems applications. Support the implementation of cyber-physical systems in manufacturing industry, helping in their digital transformation.Training Contents
Context modeling in cyber-physical systems, Cyber-physical systems and IoT, Smart spaces for cyber-physical systems, Knowledge management in cyber-physical systemsDigital Innovation Hubs
- Robotics
- Workshops
- Webinar
- Practical session in lab
- Face to face
- Online
Technology Absortion Cycle
- Awareness of technology
- Configuration
- Implementation
- Operation
Target Group
- Engineers
- Operators
Instruction Level
- Foundation
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Highly Specialized
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Research & Development
Education Level
- Bachelor
- Master
- PhD
- 1 to 4
- 5 to 10
GALACTICA DIHCountries where training is provided
SpainCities where training is provided
O Porriño, PontevedraLanguages this training can be provided
Spanish, English
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