Training Objectives
This course is about learning all steps of 3D printing design process for MJF: from basic design considerations, (re)design for MJF into an optimized way, until 3d printing unit preparation. You will also learn all steps of 3D printing process with this technology, machine’s characteristics and its applications.Training Contents
- Introduction to MJF technology: basic introduction - Materials and applications. - Printing process - Design considerations - Tips and Tricks - WorkshopsDigital Innovation Hubs
- 3D Printing
- Presentation
- Practical exercices
- Practical session in lab
- Face to face
Technology Absortion Cycle
- Awareness of technology
Target Group
- Directors
- Plant Manager
- Engineers
- Operators
Instruction Level
- Intermediate
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Chemical
- Computer - Software
- Construction
- Defense
- Education
- Research & Development
- Energy
Education Level
- High School
- Ocupational Studies
- Bachelor
- Master
- PhD
- Others:
- 1 to 4
- 5 to 10
IAM3DHUBCountries where training is provided
SpainCities where training is provided
Barcelona (3D Factory Incubator), Terrassa (IAM3DHUB)Languages this training can be provided
Spanish, English

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