Integrate Human Factors, Cognitive and Behavioral Analysis, to improve the acceptability of Innovations and New Digital Tools

Initiative Description

This training consists in sweeping different topics, necessary to take into account human factors, during creation or application of new technologies for a product and / or a service. At the end of this training, learners will be aware of human factors, and will be able to understand issues and impacts of taking into account the user in the design cycle, for a better acceptability of their product. Our training is based on classical courses, but also concrete examples applied to the industrial field, and different projects realized by CATIE, as well as by the use of our Evaluation and Behavioral Analysis for the Human Platform (PEAC2H Plateform). We present in this course, classical methodologies, but also innovative methodological tools necessary to better understand the human in its activity, and then to propose products or digital services adapted to him, for a better acceptability of the system, and thus better economic potentials for the product or service developed by companies.

Training Objectives

The general objective of the course is to offer a solid foundation of knowledge in Blockchain technologies for the training of professionals.

Training Contents

Support Technologies, General concepts about Blockchain, Bitcoin: A digital currency based on Blockchain, Ethereum: Distributed computing Platform, Decentralized applications with Ethereum.

Digital Innovation Hubs


  • Robotics
  • IoT
  • CPS
  • 3D Printing
  • Data analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Lecture
  • Workshops
  • Presentation
  • Video
  • Webinar
  • Practical exercices
  • Practical session in lab


  • Face to face
  • Blended
  • MOOC
  • Online

Technology Absortion Cycle

  • Awareness of technology
  • Configuration
  • Implementation
  • Operation
  • Updates on configuration and operation

Target Group

  • Directors
  • Plant Manager
  • Engineers
  • Operators

Instruction Level

  • Foundation
  • Intermediate
  • Advanced


  • Automotive
  • Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Chemical
  • Computer - Software
  • Construction
  • Defense
  • Education
  • Research & Development
  • Energy

Education Level

  • High School
  • Ocupational Studies
  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • PhD


  • Single
  • 1 to 4
  • 5 to 10
  • 10 to 20
  • More than 20



[email protected]


Durations: Array




Countries where training is provided


Cities where training is provided


Languages this training can be provided



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