Training Objectives
Enable students for tasks such as digital economy, strategic business decisions, neuromarketing, digital industry 4.0 and IoT.Training Contents
Intelligent analysis applied to the digital industry, Foundations of Big Data systems, Advanced languages, Statistical analysis and visualization of data, Environments and ecosystems Big Data support, Business intelligence and strategic decisions.Digital Innovation Hubs
- Data analytics
- Artificial Intelligence
- Cloud Technologies
- Lecture
- Workshops
- Presentation
- Video
- Webinar
- Practical exercices
- Practical session in lab
- Online
Technology Absortion Cycle
- Awareness of technology
- Configuration
- Implementation
- Operation
- Updates on configuration and operation
Target Group
- Other
Instruction Level
- Highly Specialized
- Automotive
- Aerospace
- Agriculture
- Chemical
- Computer - Software
- Construction
- Defense
- Education
- Research & Development
- Energy
Education Level
- High School
- Ocupational Studies
- Bachelor
- More than 20
Digital Innovation HUB Industry 4.0 BurgosCountries where training is provided
EUCities where training is provided
Languages this training can be provided

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