Training Objectives
Business Process Optimization Process Optimization Apache Superset appTraining Contents
Business Process Optimization The Business Process Optimization (BPO) module determines an optimized solution to the optimized motion task sequencing problem. BPO is focused on actions that have to be executed by factory floor agents, meaning any logistic entity (e.g., humans, AGVs, etc.), to carry out logistics motion tasks. Business Process Optimization User Manual Process Optimization The objective of Process Optimisation is to perform process quality and efficiency optimisation using nonlinear model predictive control. The system learns the dynamics of the production process, and then it can predict the process output quality metrics given the current values for the control parameters. Process Optimization Process Optimization User Manual Apache Superset app Apache Superset is an open-source, enterprise-ready business intelligence web application allowing users to explore and visualize their data. Creating Your First Dashboard Exploring Data in SupersetDigital Innovation Hubs
- Data analytics
- Video
- Online
Technology Absortion Cycle
Target Group
- Directors
- Plant Manager
- Engineers
- Operators
Instruction Level
- Foundation
- Intermediate
- Advanced
- Research & Development
Education Level
- High School
- Ocupational Studies
- Bachelor
- Master
- PhD
- More than 20
Countries where training is provided
EUCities where training is provided
OnlineLanguages this training can be provided
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