PULSATE 1st Open Call will fund innovations in laser-based advanced & additive manufacturing (LBAAM)
● PULSATE is a network funded under the Horizon 2020 EU programme that aims to boost the adoption of laser-based advanced and additive manufacturing technology to empower SMEs digital competences.
● The first open call will select 10 technology transfer experiments (TTEs) that will enter the exclusive 13 month PULSATE program that will provide business and technical support and funding up to €150,000 to develop, test, and validate their new laser-based manufacturing technologies in an operational environment.
8th February 2021 – 6 months after the official project started, PULSATE launched its 1st call for Technology Transfer Experiments (TTEs). Consortia created by SMEs and Slightly bigger companies that address the development and implementation of technology and systems applicable to laser-based equipment for the Advanced and Additive Manufacturing market can apply through the online application form until 22nd April 2021.

LBAAM technology in production environment:
Selected TTEs will become part of the 13-month PULSATE Support Programme during which PULSATE partners will offer a full set of technical and business mentoring services to scale up the experiments.
The main results achieved from the execution of the experiments will include the development of innovative laser-based equipment, processes, ancillary equipment and software, looking for solutions particularly adapted to flexible production environments, typical in SMEs, and the digital tools which improve the productivity, flexibility and traceability, lowering the entry barriers.
The main benefit for each experiment consortium participant will be:
– For the technology supplier: a new LBAAM product/process tested in production environments;
– For the end-user: benefit from the implementation of LBAAM technology into its specific operational needs.
European challenge to overcome
The European Commission’s Horizon 2020 innovation framework under which the PULSATE was created have clearly identified that “The challenge is to accelerate the design, development and uptake of advanced digital technologies by European industry – especially SMEs –, notably in sectors where digital technologies are underexploited. SMEs and Slightly Bigger companies in the manufacturing sector need support in the use of secure digital technologies in their production processes, products and business models to enable personalised products and to facilitate cost-effective small-scale production”.
To enable this, PULSATE project brings together a strong consortium comprising six reputable competency centres (AIMEN, FTMC, MTC, SINTEF, Fraunhofer and CEA) with high level expertise in LBAAM and digitization, the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) to support the promotion/acceleration of EU innovative scale-up initiatives, and two highly innovative SMEs (CLESGO & Fundingbox) to establish and support the digital agora platform, maintain a Marketplace of digital services and to manage the mechanisms of financial support to SMEs & slightly bigger companies and the interfaces with DIHs across all Europe.
Over the duration of the project, PULSATE will launch 4 Open Calls in two modalities: 2 Open Calls to select 20 Technology Transfer Experiments (TTEs) and 2 Open Calls to select 42 Adopters’ Use Cases.
How to apply to the 1st Open Call
Experiments should submit all the information online, through the application form that can be found here https://pulsate-tte.fundingbox.com/ until the 22nd of April, 2021 at 17:00 CEST. If you do not have an entity to partner with, you can also submit your expression of interest and the PULSATE team will help you to find a partner to apply to the experiment call.
Full assistance is provided to all interested applicants by The PULSATE Open Call team that has prepared the Guide for Applicants where each applicant can find the selection criteria and the description about the process. On top of that the team will launch a series of webinars which will be announced through the PULSATE Community. Sign up for 1st Webinar that will take place on 12th February at 3pm CEST and get informaed: All you need to know about the 1st Open Call: HERE.
If you are an SME or slightly bigger company in the search of support to level-up your laser-based activity, this is your chance to make your plans come true. Don’t miss the chance and apply now through the link https://pulsate-tte.fundingbox.com/ .
Project funded by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union, Grant Agreement No.951998