PATHFINDER Vision on role Simulation and Forecasting Technologies, A three layer approach
With the PATHFINDER mission in mind being: “To increase knowledge and awareness of, and determine the future use and impact of simulation and forecasting technologies in manufacturing”
the partners in the PATHFINDER consortium are working towards meeting three objectives:
- To deliver a roadmap pointing out research priorities leading to the next generation simulation and forecasting technologies.
- To inform the manufacturing industry on state of the art simulation and forecasting technologies.
- To favour the creation of a network of experts.
As part of meeting the first objective, at first the vision towards the role of simulation and forecasting technology has been developed. As stated, PATHFINDER specifically focuses on the role of Simulation and Forecasting Technologies and does not propose a new vision for manufacturing as a whole. PATHFINDER thus embraces the current efforts achieved by accredited industrial, institutional and academic groups, in the definition of a Manufacturing Vision for 2020. The roadmap proposes a three layer vision on SF&T that is progressively more detailed and takes up the efforts made by the aforementioned stakeholders. A document describing this vision is available on the PATHFINDER website in the Results section. The document contains interesting information and details on all three aforementioned layers:
- Layer 1: Factory of the Future
- Layer 2: Factory as part of a smart networked world
- Layer 3: Effective access and usage of information
Based upon this vision and taking into consideration regional innovation and road mapping activities (see also Results) the PATHFINDER consortium is currently defining the actual roadmap with support from the PATHFINDER advisory board consisting of all relevant stakeholders.
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