Lecture on the 5th Smartfactorykl – Innovation Day
But how do these buzzwords evolve into a real-world system? Would it be actually a quantum leap for the industry or just hype? What concrete challenges do we face? In order to review and discuss those issues among current research and approaches, the SmartFactoryKL invited all industry partners (around 80 guests) for the innovation day on September 10, 2013 in Kaiserslautern.
The day included presentations by different partner companies and international scientists, as well as tours of SmartFactoryKL-facilities, technology demonstrations and stimulating conversations and discussions with other representatives from industry, research and politics.
It was exactly the right time to present and discuss our PATHFINDER project! Dr. Paolo Pedrazzoli took the opportunity to inform all participants about challenges for the European manufacturing industry, based on the EFFRA “Factories of the Future 2020” and with a focus on PATHFINDER which means on ICT for simulation and forecasting in manufacturing.
It was the first step to address and industrial enterprises get feedback. Questionnaires were developed and shared out and further interesting discussions were appropriate with the guiding principle of involving main key players in the field of this project.