I4MS presented the Training Catalogue at the Skillman International Forum 2022
The Skillman International Forum 2022 (SIF22) was held in Cagliari, Italy, at the Manufacturi di Tabbaco last 23rd and 24th of November 2022. The event gathered the European biggest network in skills and TVET.
First day: Future of work needs to listen to the Youth’s needs
Giovanni Crisona, Skillman’s president, and Massimo Temussi, Director of Centro Regionale di Programmazione, Autonomous Region of Sardinia, opened the SIF22 edition with a warm welcome to the audience and the online participants. The morning panels focused on presenting the challenges of the future of work. Andreas Schleicher, a skills and education specialist from the OECD, presented the challenges of the digital society combined with the many uncertain situations such as climate change, pandemics, and general AI: “Digital society is the lifelong learning society”.
Arianna Sala from the Join Research Center (JRC) highlighted the need to promote skills as a transformer to education: “For the twin transition: We must think anew, we need creative thinkers”. Cloud Bai-Yun, Chief Adviser, Ecctis-UK ENIC, insisted on the role of TVET: “TVET quality system is critical in the recovery economy, the role of recognition, precision, attention, and pride in details”. Manuel Galvin, Senior Human Capital Development Expert – Coordinator for Vocational Excellence Project ETF, explained how enabling VoVES development.

Shanti Jagannathan, ADB, opened the session on critical reforms and measures needed to consolidate COVID recovery and future growth, highlighting the need to be more agile in the labour market. Julian NG, IVETA Elected President TVET, emphasized the need for a mind change shift reminded teachers’ difficulties in embracing online teaching because of a lack of know-how, highlighting how easy it is to disconnect or to listen: “You cannot only download a power point and learn, the educational system must move away from the transactional education”.
Craig Marsh, Lincoln University Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Director of Lincoln International Business, reminded us that pure academic knowledge is not relevant to the real world: “Educational system has to consider the need of the employers”. Elisa Guidi, EU World Craft Council President, emphasized in the particular sector composed of micro-enterprises, the importance to train professionals that can work with craft people and digital skills.

During the rest of the day, other discussions were held about the gender gap situation and the impact of the pandemic. Titziana Chiappelli, Unifi, emphazised that because of the pandemic 11 million girls excluded from education and 132 million girls did not attend school. Workshops were organized to tackle the challenges of the future of work during the rest of day. Participants could be actively involved in the sessions.
Second day: Re-Imagine the Education for the Future
Discussions continued during the second day of the event. A conversation about micro-credentials helped to understand the state of this concept and its relevancy for the future of work. Companies such as Microsoft also presented their educational initiatives. Marjorie Grassler, executive communication at Mobile World Capital Barcelona, presented the I4MS Training Catalogue during a Pitch Session.

The event ended with a wrap-up by Giovanni Crisona and the signature of a pledge between IVETA and the Skillman Network.

All the sessions are available on Skillman International Forum website.