WRC: Welded metal door design and fabrication, and innovation and automatization of production


ZOVOS-EKO is an SME with 30 years’ experience dedicated to the production of personal metal doors in the basic dimensions of 2000mmx1000mm within standard industrial containers. Their business is built on four main pillars: an increasing product and service portfolio, their welding manual fabrication, product innovation, and sustainable manufacture and circular economy.

Main pains are found in welding manual fabrication, consisting of difficult and repeatable tasks requiring high productivity and quality uniformity in the welds. ZOVOS-EKO has been constantly caring and working to solve the problems related to the working environment, the occupational safety and the ecological impact.

In this experiment, ZOVOS-EKO will be working with artist Tomas Libertiny, and technical partner Rossum Integration.

Tomas Libertiny, from Slovakia, works in the Netherlands from his studio, Studio Libertiny, and has exhibited all over the world, including at MoMa, New York. He focuses on the beauty and intelligence of nature, probing into the existential questions of the human mind, and leaning on his technical degree of Engineering and Design from Technical University Košice in Slovakia.

Rossum Integration is an AI-based cloud document gateway for automated business communication, located in Slovakia. In typical real-world scenarios, Rossum’s proprietary AI engine outranks narrow data extraction solutions in accuracy. Their offering reduces maintenance effort, and manages everything from security and compliance to IT and user training in one place.


With the collaboration of the artist Tomas Libertiny and the technical provider Rossum Integration, this KTE aims at using the creativity and innovative design in connection with technological production needs.

First, a thorough analysis will be performed on an existing design looking to find potential for improvement. Some possibilities include:

  • mechanical design and aesthetical and functional design
  • new functions and applications
  • new welded products to be added to the portfolio

Second, a robotic workplace will be proposed and implemented, making a pioneer shift towards more integrated digitalization in the premises of the company, and allowing to:

  • keep maintaining the permanent quality of their products
  • probe how far and wide can the portfolio be extended

Expected impact

The successful completition of the KTE will contribute to:

  • increase the productivity of work in the fabrication of ZOVOS products
  • improve the working environment and safety for the employees
  • gain more visibility with a high potential for unique commisions from international clients
  • increase in the competitiveness of the products on international markets
  • increase in the attractiveness of working for the current and future employees

Information source: Better Factory



Tomas Libertiny (Artist)

Rossum Integration (Technical Partner)


Welded, metal