Machine Vision for Drawings in Metal
NLP for Maintenance Report Analysis in Machine Tools
(Fabio Floreani, IMECH)
NEED for AI:
The metal sheet scraps of the cutting operations are bar-coded, stacked one on top of the other. Gualini wants to use the scraps for new cutting operations. The choice of the scrap sheet is functional to the design of the new piece to be produced provided by the customer (dvg or pdf format) and to the shape and size of the residual sheet; the operators in the estimate phase insert geometries and dimensions and so far the estimate is calculated without taking into account the possibility of using the scraps.
A tool leveraging on machine vision technology, that automatically detects the geometric and dimensional data of the scraps during the order estimate in just a few steps, takes into account the scraps usage during order estimate and optimization of production time
EXPECTED BENEFITS – The proposed solution offers:
processing time reduction
better price quotation
reduction of the technical check of the order
Machine Vision for Drawings in Metal
GUALINI LAMIERE INTERNATIONAL are a leading SME in advanced sheet metal processing and heavy carpentry production. The experiment focuses on how automate the usage of waste sheets and metal sheet scraps.
NLP for Maintenance Report Analysis in Machine Tools
This experiment is aimed at the realization of a system that starting from the content of different maintenance reports, even written in an inhomogeneous and unstructured way and allows to identify the most frequent failure mechanisms and causes of the machine to which they refer to. The tool is useful for the automatic construction of fault trees and is particularly helpful for manufacturing SMEs that don’t have a properly structured reporting system.

NEED for AI:
Reading and understanding the text contained in maintenance reports is one of the basic technologies for the development of this application. To do this it is necessary to identify and implement an appropriate artificial intelligence system based on natural language processing (NLP) techniques. In addition to the failures and their frequency, the instrument must also be able to associate the mechanisms and causes of failure related with them.
building a troubleshooting tool able to be automatically updated over time
developed for Service processes, but other applications can be found in process quality management as well
EXPECTED BENEFITS – The proposed solution offers:
after-sales service improvement diagnosis time
Information source: airegio-project.eu
Modelling & Simulation