HAMLet (Hybrid Automated Mould Logistic solution)

Challenge: The overall objective of the AE is to validate cost-effectiveness and rapid deployment of mobile robots in shoes industry for moulding logistic. Procalçado has an automation roadmap projected to be complete by 2025 and covering it´s entire production line, however AGVs are not focussed specifically. 

Solution: With this experiment we propose to evaluate the role that AGVs can have in these automation plans, and to demonstrate their flexibility in response to factory layout changes.

Implementation time: 8 months.

Implementation cost: 146.000€. 

Output: The improvement of logistics and the time saved in the mould change process will both contribute to increase in production.

Impact: A reduction of more than 50% of moulding machines set-up and times is foreseen. 5% of productivity increase of the machines using AGVs in a hybrid approach. 70% decrease by having 0 incidents in transportation.

More information here: http://www.l4ms.eu/blog/improving-logistics-competitiveness

Information source: L4MS


Procalçado – Produtora de Componentes Para Calçado S.A, Ewen – Soluções Globais em Energia e Ambiente ‘

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