A ship in the Cloud

Eurobios is an innovative company specialized in optimization and scientific computing. Our unique selling point is our ability to create a link between recently developed methods in research laboratories which have been positively evaluated and the industrial applications. We use these skills to answer modeling and simulation questions asked by industrial partners. Our core competencies lie in the physical modeling and numerical simulation. Our clients are both SMEs, Mid Size Companies and International Groups through their R&D Departments. We address questions in various fields such as energy related segment, transportation, environment or defense.

The market of modeling & simulation is growing very fast. Moreover projects are becoming bigger and bigger and involve a very broad range of companies: engineering contractors, certification companies, operators, client company. The development of these projects is more complex as it used to be and the simulation is an efficient tool to limit growth of spending by reducing the duration of the design phase and improving the quality of the tests made in the development phase (for example crash tests in the automotive industry). The available computing power such as Cloud Computing is increasing very fast, which benefits the simulation tools.

In the framework of CloudSME, Eurobios formed a partnership with ASCOMP GmbH to address an industrial test case related to liquefied natural gas transportation.
ASCOMP software package TransAT (Transport phenomena Analysis Tool) can simulate a wide range of single and multi-fluid/component flows with heat transfer.

In order to get a better understanding of liquid impacts inside ship tanks, it makes sense to consider the impact of a liquid surrounded by a gas. A numerical benchmark based on this idea has been proposed by GazTransport & Technigaz in the framework of the engineering conference ISOPE (International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers). Several academic institutions and industrial partners have already provided numerical results using various numerical methods.


TransAT has proven its efficiency and robustness on many industrial cases: we believe it is a suitable solution to solve this problem and reach millimeter accuracy at the wall, such a precision is needed because the physical phenomena occurring in the neighborhood of the wall are of this order of magnitude.

Large amounts of computing resources are an indispensable need for these computations: millions of cells will be used for the domain discretization. Thanks to the CloudSME project, we expect to show that TransAT used on the Cloud Infrastructure is a suitable manner to solve such problems.





Modelling & Simulation