Event outputs: “Tools and services supporting digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs”
Under the framework of European Industry Week 2021, last Friday 26th of Feb, ICT Cluster Bulgaria, together with I4MS and FundingBox have organized a workshop devoted to the opportunities for supporting digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs.
ICT Cluster Bulgaria event started with Anna Naydenova introducing ICT Cluster, which the main goal is to bring together actions and know-how to support the digital transformation, organize initiatives, conduct projects, and support the development of human capital.
Maria Roca Puigserver, FundingBox introduced I4MS (ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs) that promotes knowledge exchange, encourages cross-border corporation, and provides access to funding opportunities.
Dr. Marta Portalés Oliva from Mobile World Capital Barcelona remembers the growth of the digital talent need, the gender gap, and especially the offer and demand that I4MS is tackling with the training catalog. The brokering system tool has also been presented to help the matchmaking between IAs and SMEs.

During the workshop, interested SMEs got familiar with the available opportunities for supporting their digital transformation, provided by the I4MS & SAE initiatives, Digital Innovation hubs, and the regional funds.
I4MS & SAE initiatives represented projects that have developed digital tools and services to expand the digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs in Europe, and ICT Cluster representatives have presented how regional opportunities and instruments can facilitate digitalization.
You can find detailed information on the presented initiatives in the following links:
- European Digital Innovation Hub for Data Science, HPC and AI – opportunities for industry and society in Southwest Bulgaria Region, Anna Naydenova, Executive Director
- I4MS Introduction, Maria Roca, I4MS Project Manager, FundingBox I4MS contributions to upskilling challenges of the manufacturing industry,
- Marta Portalés, Manager of the European Projects Department at the Mobile World Capital
- ADMA Europe – Opportunities for manufacturing SMEs to transform to Factories of the Future, Paul Peeters, Senior Expert Advanced Manufacturing, Agroria & Project Manager, ADMA
- KITT4SMEs, Themis Kolyvas, Project Manager at European Dynamics
- PULSATE, Izabella Zrasinska, Project Manager, FundingBox
- Better Factory, Anca Marin, Project Manager, FundingBox
- CloudiFacturing, Andreas Ocklenburg, CEO of cloudSME
- DigITBrain, Andreas Ocklenburg, CEO of cloudSME
- DIH World, David Vidal, Senior Consultant, CARSA
- VOJEXT, Luisa Gonçalves, F6S Network Limited EU Projects Manager
- RIMA – Robotics for Inspection and Maintenance, Thierry LOUVET, Directeur Europe et International Europe and International Affairs Director, Systematic Paris Region
The objective was to share the benefits of digital transformation among SMEs and industry stakeholders from Bulgaria. I4MS representatives have shared information on existing funding and upskilling opportunities under the I4MS initiative and also the opportunities and funding available at the regional level that can contribute to the digitalization of the Bulgarian industry.
In case you’ve missed this session, you can now watch the recording available online and scroll through all the presentations here.
The next event in the I4MS production is taking place 18th of March “Opportunities and services provided by CSAs to support DIHs and EDIHs”, and you can register here!
Lastly, we happily encourage you to join the I4MS online community and connect with fellow innovators, entrepreneurs, and professionals – expand your network!