AI training course for scientific-technical business profiles

Initiative Description

The course will train students as professionals in the technical management and efficient use of the main AI techniques, in order to obtain the best possible performance from them within their organisations. The approach of the course will be broad but with academic rigour, combining a theoretical base that will allow students to acquire a global vision of the methods and techniques used in AI, with practical units where they will be able to apply this knowledge and assess realistic approaches to possible applications of this technology in real production environments in sectors such as health or mobility, making correct use of its terminology and taking into account its possibilities and limitations.

Training Objectives

The course is designed to train professionals who do not necessarily have prior knowledge of AI, although it is desirable to have acquired previous technical training in the area of engineering or information and communications technologies for its correct understanding.

Training Contents

Digital Innovation Hubs


  • Data analytics
  • Artificial Intelligence


  • Practical exercices


  • Face to face

Technology Absortion Cycle

  • Awareness of technology

Target Group

  • Engineers
  • Operators

Instruction Level

  • Foundation


  • Agriculture
  • Research & Development
  • Energy

Education Level

  • High School
  • Ocupational Studies
  • Bachelor
  • Master
  • PhD


  • More than 20



[email protected]

Date: coming soon

Durations: +7 days

Price: It is not yet known


Countries where training is provided


Cities where training is provided


Languages this training can be provided



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