I4MS Talk: Experiences from EDIHs in widening regions. Bringing digital transformation closer to SMEs
Digital technologies such as High Performance Computing, Internet of Things, Big Data, blockchain, robotics and artificial intelligence allow businesses to produce higher value products and improve production processes. European companies are not making the most of all the opportunities digital has to offer. This slow uptake of digital technologies poses a risk to the European Unions ability to compete in the global economy, to create new jobs and to grow. The role of EDIHs to help developing digital technologies is more important than ever.
5’ Welcome and introduction to the session: Maria Roca, I4MS Project Manager
- Welcome and the session will be recorded for communication and dissemination purposes
- Maria’s self-introduction
- Presentation of the I4MS Talks, inspirational events gathering experts across Europe to share their views and visions on digital transformation topics.
- Today we are going to hear about examples of how candidate EDIHs from Poland and Lithuania are preparing themselves to take over the responsibility to facilitating the access to advanced manufacturing technologies to SMEs.
10’ I4MS Contact Point network: the experience of Smart Energy DIH, Romualdas Petraitis and Maria Roca
21’ Presentation of the panel and organisations
- 7’ Mr. Gintaras Vilda, CEO at Manufacturing Innovation Valley DIH;
- 7’ Bartosz Józefowski, Deputy director of Krakow Technology Park
- 7’ Dr. Mantas Vilys, coordinator of the EDIH4IAE.LT consortium.
15’ Panel discussion, led by Maria Roca and following some predefined questions.
9’ Q&A