The objective of WP6 was to develop reliable schemes for direct writing of 3D wiring by laser radiation. The main aim was to perform surface processing of standard plastics instead of using highly specialized material which are expensive. We achieved all the targets, manufacturing demonstrators in the two main sectors as automotive and sensor.
Laser machine for real 3D patterning
The ADILAW processing head was adapted to the actual process conditions by creating the laser beam delivery path adjustment routine. The evaluation experiments were performed by making laser written patterns on the 3D curved automotive interior part. Productivity parameters were measured, tilting accuracy tests of the ADILAW occupied by FTS were performed.
Two new technologies for laser-based selective metallization of polymers for moulded interconnect devices were developed in APPOLO which are applicable for carbon-doped and pure polymers used in car industry.

CRF selected the glove box cover of the Fiat 500 as a demonstrator for the integration of electronics. This specific component was first implemented on the USA version of the car and from July 2015, it is also included in the new facelift version for the European market. The main aim is to substitute the traditional manual opening system with a touch sensitive electronics that automatically opens the glove box when the user touches the sensitive area. All samples were electroless plated firstly with copper.
CRF selected the glove box cover of the Fiat 500 as a demonstrator for the integration of electronics. This specific component was first implemented on the USA version of the car and from July 2015, it is also included in the new facelift version for the European market. The main aim is to substitute the traditional manual opening system with a touch sensitive electronics that automatically opens the glove box when the user touches the sensitive area. All samples were electroless plated firstly with copper.
Demo for environmental sensors
The temperature sensor with miniaturized shape, volume and weight. The microcontroller acquires the data of the IC temperature chip and send the information every 30 second.
Computer, electronic and optical products