A safe, flexible and intelligent robotic Co-worker for assembly tasks can revolutionize the way robots are used in automation tasks. The project FLA²IR will make the vision of a collaborative, robotic Co-Worker reality. By using State-of-the-Art technologies in 3D vision, robot control and innovative hardware concepts it enables a robotic arm to perform assembly tasks that were not possible to automate until now in close proximity to humans. An additional focus on fast adaption to changing tasks with intuitive programming methods will make FLA²IR not only safe and versatile but also easy to use. The OPEL use-case “fenceless assembly of clip based vehicle door sealing in moving production line” includes at least five relevant subchallenges:

  • Safe interaction with humans in a production cell without fences
  • Tactile/Force-based assembly of a flexible polymer sealing into a door
  • Robot manipulation with a moving object
  • Coping with different door variants and clip positions
  • Inclusion of quality checks

The task: attach a flexible polymer based sealing strip to various door models with a robotic arm that works in close proximity and without separating fences to humans.

Finally, the availability of safe industrial robots will increase the number of robots on shop floors and strengthen European robotics companies. This will help reduce costs and make it possible to keep production sites within Europe. The increased autonomy, great flexibility and reduced ramp-up time are key innovations that will support Europe in becoming the leading robotics continent.




FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik, Adam Opel AG, MRK Systeme GmbH



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